Разширение за настолна игра Marvel Champions - The Wrecking Crew Scenario Pack
Разширение за настолна игра Marvel Champions - The Wrecking Crew Scenario Pack

Разширение за настолна игра Marvel Champions - The Wrecking Crew Scenario Pack

  • Модел: Разширение за настолна игра Marvel Champions - The Wrecking Crew
  • Наличност: В наличност
  • 37.90 лв.

‌The Wrecking Crew Scenario Pack е разширение за Marvel Champions, което добавя ново приключение към базовата игра. В него ще можете да премерите сили с четирими злодеи, които влизат в игра едновременно и всеки от тях има собствени планове, които трябва да предотвратите.

Информация от издателя:

Since the four members of the Wrecking Crew decided to join forces, they’ve been a thorn in the side of every great Marvel hero from Thor to the Defenders. Not just common thugs, the Wrecking Crew’s greatest asset stems from the magic imbued in team leader Wrecker’s Crowbar, which grants each member immense physical strength and a mystical link between them.

Now, The four members of The Wrecking Crew are breaking out of prison, and only you can stop them!

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce The Wrecking Crew Scenario Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!

With 73 brand-new cards, this single scenario puts four villains in play at once, each with their own side scheme and deck. Can your heroes withstand the assault from Wrecker, Piledriver, Bulldozer, and Thunderball?

Ключови характеристики
SKU BGBG0001309N
Категория Стратегически игри Игри с карти и зарове

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