Настолна игра Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.”
Настолна игра Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.”

Настолна игра Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.”

  • Модел: Настолна игра Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.”
  • Наличност: В наличност
  • 109.90 лв.

Организацията Mind MGMT обучавала смели агенти, които изпращала на опасни мисии по цял свят. След това обаче била завладяна от корупция и славните времена бързо приключили. Коварната организация се възползвала от връзките си по света и скоро нямало кой да оспори влиянието ѝ.

В Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.” един от играчите влиза в ролята на организацията Mind MGMT и ръководи действията ѝ, като се стреми към победа. Другите играчи влизат в ролята на тайни агенти, които искат да възвърнат славните времена на организацията и да изкоренят корупцията. Кой ще успее да победи?

Информация от издателя:

Working from the shadows, Mind MGMT once used its psychically-powered agents to put a stop to global crises. However, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Mind MGMT is now rotting from the inside. To tighten its iron grip on the world stage, Mind MGMT deploys covert operatives around the world to recruit other psychically-attuned individuals to their side. How can this enigmatic organization, hell bent on global domination, be defeated?

Thankfully, a few renegade agents have figured out that Mind MGMT has been compromised and have defected, turning their backs on the syndicate. They now use their own psychic abilities to prevent Mind MGMT from achieving its nefarious goals.

In Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage "Game.", one player controls Mind MGMT and must scour the city for new recruits. They move around on a secret map, trying to visit locations that match one of their three randomly drawn feature cards. They can also use their four Immortals to protect locations from being exposed.

All other players control the rogue agents who must try to stop Mind MGMT before it's too late! They ask questions to the Recruiter and deduce their whereabouts from the answers they receive. Rogue agents can use dry-erase "mental notes" to track all the information they're given.

Mind MGMT wins by either collecting twelve recruits or surviving sixteen turns. The rogue agents can win only be capturing Mind MGMT, which they do when they believe they're on the same block as Mind MGMT.

Ключови характеристики
SKU BGBG0002147N
Категория Стратегически игри

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