Настолна игра Battleshots Drinking Game - парти
Настолна игра Battleshots Drinking Game - парти

Настолна игра Battleshots Drinking Game - парти

  • Модел: Настолна игра Battleshots Drinking Game - парти
  • Наличност: В наличност
  • 49.00 лв.
  • 41.65 лв.

Battleshots Drinking Game е забавна парти игра за възрастни, която ще зареди с добро настроение вашата вечер с най-близките ви приятели, семейство или колеги. Тази настолна игра има потенциала не само да забавлява до полуда цялата ви група, но и едновременно с това да ви накара да изглеждате като абсолютна легенда!

Играчите се редуват да хвърлят зарове, да се движат по дъската и да се опитват да потопят корабите на опонентите си. Battleshots е брилянтна нова игра, която ви изправя срещу вашите приятели в битка на разум и умения.

Информация от издателя:

Adult drinking game: Invero Battle Shots is an adult drinking game that allows you to play with your friends, family and/or colleagues. It's a great way to pass the time while you watch TV or listen to music.

Easy to play: The name of the game is to try and sink your opponent's ship with your own ship. Players take turns rolling the dice, moving around the board and attempting to sink their opponents' ships. If your opponent sinks yours, they win! If not, you are out of the game until someone else sinks yours!

Ideal gift: The battle board has two sets of ships sunk in it so you can set up a competition between your friends or family members. If you want to add some extra excitement to your drinking games, then this is the perfect gift for anyone who likes drinking games. You can even use the shot glasses as a novelty gift for your friends and family members who love drinking games!

A family game: Invero Battle Shots is a brilliant new game that pits you against your friends and family in a battle of wits and skill.It's easy to set up, just take the glasses out of their box and get ready for some serious fun.

Classic game: The battle board has two sides; one side contains the red side which has 10 shot glasses and the blue side which has 9 shot glasses (1 missing). The pen allows you to move the shot glasses around and try to sink your opponent’s ship before they sink yours!

Ключови характеристики
SKU BGBG0003492N
Категория Парти игри

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