Short Story Masterpieces with a Twist Ending - vol. 3
Short Story Masterpieces with a Twist Ending - vol. 3

Short Story Masterpieces with a Twist Ending - vol. 3

  • Модел: Short Story Masterpieces with a Twist Ending - vol. 3
  • Наличност: В наличност
  • 14.95 лв.

Английска версия на популярния сборник Шедьоври на разказа с неочакван край

This will be your third descent into the world of the Unexpected. The surprises awaiting you here, are penned again by classical and modern authors. Again, you will try to guess the ending and again will fail, and to those of you who do succeed in this, we offer an apology on behalf of the Masters of the Genre.

What happens when:

  • two spouses hate each other and go to the mountain?
  • a princess is attacked by a mountain lion?
  • a high life girl meets a low-class boy?
  • three messengers make haste with contradictory orders for the execution of a death sentence?

What do two archeologists search for in an ancient catacomb?

What does Pontius Pilate remember of his rule of Judea?

The surprising answers to all these questions and many other twists await you in the Third Volume of Short Story Masterpieces with a Twist Ending.

Ключови характеристики
ISBN 9789546411709
SKU BKBK0015381N
Автор Various
Брой страници 216
Жанрове Модерна класика
Издателство Пергамент Прес
Категория Чуждоезикови книги

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