Настолна игра Rebel Nox - стратегическа
Настолна игра Rebel Nox - стратегическа

Настолна игра Rebel Nox - стратегическа

  • Модел: Настолна игра Rebel Nox - стратегическа
  • Наличност: В наличност
  • 19.90 лв.

Rebel Nox е отборна игра с тактики, в която трябва да внимаваш със съюзите, които правиш и на кого се доверяваш. Бунтовници и лоялисти се съревновават за градски контрол, чрез привличане на повече последователи на своя страна. Всяка локация има собствени правила и затова трябва да играеш внимателно, ако искаш да разпознаеш съотборниците си.

Rebel Nox

Повече информация:
The world of Lux is in uproar and rebels and loyalist fight for control of the capital. Who is on your side? Will your team gather enough followers to seize power? And who is true to your cause when it looks lost?

With the cards dealt at the beginning of the game, players are assigned to either the Rebel team or the Loyalist team. The two teams fight for control over locations that alter the rules in that particular fight, and provide influence to the winner. Play your cards tactically to establish who is on your team, take control of locations and make sure your team has the most influence at the end of the round. But as cards change hands, allegiances can change, so who can you really trust? Perhaps you secretly switched team yourself?

The near endless combinations of locations and card distribution make for a vast number of unique situations and tactical challenges, ensuring no two games will ever feel the same.

Ключови характеристики
SKU BGBG0000678N
Категория Стратегически игри

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